Formnext is the main event of the AM calendar and as in previous years Martin McMahon will be there to assist the Metal AM Magazine team. It’s your chance to engage with the editorial team and get your message across to the rest of the world via print and social media. One company taking advantage of this is nLight, who have asked Martin to host two chat sessions during the exhibition. nLight has recently added a series of new laser technologies to the AM sector that have the potentially to radically enhance the performance of fusion based metal AM.
Join Martin and Alex Richard from DMG Mori on Wednesday morning to hear about developments from the US team and how they have integrated beam shaping technology. Then on Thursday go and listen to Martin talk to Steve Walton from Dyndrite about how its software can be used to vastly accelerate materials parameter development when used al0ong with the nLight beam shaping technology. Both of these talks are on subjects that are very close to Martin’s heart, so they should be excellent sessions not to miss.

Update (04/12/24)
nLight have now made the talks available to stream from their YouTube channel, so go watch them here: With Alex Richard, and with Steve Walton