The New Anglia Growth Hub, part of Norfolk County Council’s business support services, has brought together M A M Solutions and The University of East Anglia, to deliver a half-day short course introducing metal Additive Manufacturing.

This is a free to attend event, funded by the County Council and the UK Government, aims to help companies gain their first understanding of metal Additive Manufacturing.
Broken down under 5 topics:
- AM technology
- Design for Additive Manufacture
- The Materials used in AM
- Successful industrial applications
- The full value chain of metal AM
attendees will benefit from learning about the core essentials to making a success of adopting AM into their business. As well as this classroom based session, there will be the chance to tour the Productivity Suite to see their 3D printer in action at the university in Norwich. There will be opportunities for Questions & Answers, and to discuss any of your potential additive manufacturing requirements with the technical staff.
In addition, M A M Solutions is offering a 25% discount on all services to attendees who book a follow-up consultation leading to a full engagement.