Elementum 3D Aluminium Alloys

Choosing the right high strength metal powder for your Laser Powder Bed Fusion production process is vital if you wish to achieve consistent quality every time, and with the confidence that there is zero cracking from liquation or hot tearing. For aluminium alloys there has always been a compromise in this choice, due to the known issues of welding with the most commonly used 6xxx, 7xxx and 2xxx series alloys, leading to the use of AlSi10Mg as an alternative.

Why settle for less, when aluminium alloys from Elementum 3D, containing the patented RAM technology, allow you to safely select any one of these commonly used high strength alloys.

Physical Properties AlSi10Mg6061-RAM22024-RAM22024-RAM107050-RAM27075-RAM2
Tensile Yield Strength (0.2%  – MPa)250.0297384531469548
Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa)315.0331497552504579
Elongation at Break (%)5.512101.465.5
Young’s Modulus (GPa)717679987676
Elementum 3D Aluminium Alloys
  • These advanced Aluminium alloys have been specifically developed for powder bed fusion applications.
  • They offer enhanced performance compared to the conventionally produced wrought alloy versions.
  • Elementum 3D advanced Al alloys are far superior to AlSi10Mg

Thoughts from Elementum 3D

Read an interview with Jacob Nuechterlein on 3D Printing the Unprintable.

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