Feedstock Materials

The most commonly used feedstock at present is metal powder and there is a vast and rapidly developing supply chain for materials. As well as being able to advise on the complete range of alloy powders.
There has been significant growth in the use of wire feedstocks in metal AM in the last 5 years as the Directed Energy Deposition technologies have proven to be successful.
Filaments / Rods
Several companies now supply systems that have been derived from technologies very similar to the FDM type machines used in polymer (plastic) based 3D printing systems.
Recommended Materials Solutions
Advanced Aluminium Alloy Powders
Elementum 3D bring to the AM sector advanced metal powders.

They have enabled the use of common wrought grade high strength aluminium alloys through their invention of React Additive Manufacturing (RAM), including 2000, 5000, 6000, and 7000 series alloys.
Importantly, they have two alloys that are authorised for use by the FIA in Formula 1 cars, 6016-RAM2 and 2024-RAM2.
Hard Metal Powder
PowderLoop are specialist producers and stockists of hard metal powders.

We offer a variety of standard specification hardmetal powders commonly used in the hard-facing component manufacture and the maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) industry. Our range of ready-to-order powders are optimised for use in a variety of metal additive manufacturing (AM), thermal spraying and metal injection moulding equipment.
To view the full range of products visit Powderloop
(opens a new tab)
Metallic filaments
CMG Tech-X offer a wide range of metallic filament feedstocks for 3D printing on desktop and industrial printers, including:
- 3DGence
- Fuselab
- Xerion
- Fusion Factory
- Raise3D
- Prusa
- Ultimaker

More information on available filaments
(opens new in new tab)
Sustainability of AM Materials
Sustainability is something that is intrinsically engrained within metal AM, making it an area in which the industrial world is generating a lot of interest and research activity. Most governments now have targets linked to achieving Net Zero and this is also where sustainability has an important impact. Therefore understanding how to determine the level of sustainability of a particular Additive Manufacturing solution is a critical step in successfully meeting current and future targets.
or learn how metal AM can help to achieve your Net Zero targets.